Installing an alarm on the ground floor windows of your home is one of the expert recommended ways to ensure the safety of the premises from unwanted intruders and burglars. This mode of safety and security is preferred because it is simple to use and install, yet very effective in keeping unwanted guests and thieves away.

How magnetic contact window alarms work – These types of alarms operate using the same basic principle as burglar alarms used for securing doors. A closed electrical circuit is installed on an entry way, in this case on windows, but it can also be installed on doors. Flashback to Physics lessons, an electric circuit is made up of source of power (electricity), a switch and connecting wires that work as the path for the flow of electricity. Click here for the Top 10 Best Window Alarms.
These are the only components required for an electric circuit to be operational. In a window alarm, the device is plugged into the electric supply of the house (source of power/ electricity) and the entry way (window) acts as the switch to the circuit. There are two types of circuits that can be used to make a window alarm;
• Open circuit system: in this type of circuit, the path for the flow of electricity is complete when the window is open. This means that the alarm does not sound when the window is open, but rather when it’s shut. In such model of systems, the alarm is triggered when someone attempts to close the window, leading to a breakage in the flow of electricity, and immediately the alarm starts to chime.
• Closed circuit system: unlike the open circuit system, in this one the circuit is complete when the window is shut. Therefore, so long as the window is closed, the alarm is not triggered and only chimes when the window is opened leading to breakage of flow of electricity.
The closed circuit model is preferable for window alarms as opposed to the open circuit model because of the following reasons;
1. Most of the time extra security is necessary when there is no one in the premises and it is therefore left when all entry points are shut
2. In an open model the burglar or intruder could get access to through the open entry and disconnect the alarm without being noticed.
For effective protection, most magnetic sensors have the feature of a control box. The control box comes into play when the alarm has been triggered. The purpose of this component is to ensure that only members of the family have the ability to switch off an alarm that has been triggered.
The control box has its own power supply independent from the main circuit and can be connected to more than one alarm circuit. This component ensures that a chiming alarm is not disabled until a code is punched in. It is advisable to install the control box keypad in a location that cannot be easily seen and accessed by an intruder because they could cut it off ending the chime prematurely.
When going for a window alarm, first identify the most vulnerable windows. That is, large windows that can be an entry point and those without grills. Once identified, purchase one sensor for each. High windows that are visible from a busy street do not need to be wired with a sensor because they are not at a vulnerable spot even though this assessment is done with the general security of the area where the house is located.
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