Self Defense For Women – Many women have been conditioned into believing that they are incapable of effectively defending themselves against a violent assault. The solution for some is to simply ignore the danger, and hope that like other bad things in life, it will happen to someone else. Thinking that it cannot happen to you, is your first mistake. Click Here for The Bestselling Home Security Products.

The reality is that these crimes can happen to any women, no matter what age, race, or income level. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to ensure a greater degree of safety and security when you are out and about. We have some proven self defense tips for women that are sure to put the odds in your favor.
Always Be Aware of Your Surroundings
When walking through a parking lot or down a street, always be aware of your surroundings. Know what is ahead, behind and on both sides of you. You should never be reading text messages or making a phone call in areas such as these, as this distracts your attention away from possible danger. A purse snatcher, mugger, rapist or kidnapper could easily strike and cause you harm in some manner.
Take a Self-Defense Class
Take a course on self defense for women to learn important reaction techniques to protect your body from harm. These methods will prepare you both mentally and physically for a variety of unpleasant scenarios. You will have a plan from here on out instead of being caught off guard.
Your Money Is Not Worth Your Life!
Do not endanger your life by trying to keep hold of your money when a thief strikes. If he wants your wallet, give it to him! There is a smart way to do this, though, to keep you from further harm. Throw the wallet away from you to where the thief has to leave you to collect the money. You will have a chance to run away from him by doing this. Even when you are a clerk in a store, the experts will tell you to give up the cash rather than your life!
Scream your head off
If a person threatens harm to you, while you are in a crowd of people, scream as loud as you can to draw attention from others. An action such as this can scare off your would-be assailant. Even shout, “call the police” or “help me” if you can, just make noise!
Strike at the Weak Points of the Body
When you need to strike an assailant to run from him, do so in the weak points of his body. The front of the neck, the back of the knees, the nose, the groin, and the eyes are the weakest parts of the body, but the groin is especially painful for a man. In fact, a knee to a man’s groin will put him out of commission long enough for you to run to safety or to obtain help. The top of the foot is another effective strike area with your heel.
Don’t Act or Appear Helpless
Walk confidently through an area. Do not act nervous, lost, or helpless to others around you. Criminals prey on weak individuals. If they think you will fight them, they are likely to seek a different person to attack instead of you.
Wisely Park Your Car at Night
Park your car in a well-lit area of the parking lot at night. The ideal place is as near to the establishment as possible and right under a light. In addition, when you exit the car keep your keys in your hand. You can use them as a weapon if necessary. When exiting the establishment to return to your car, hold your keys in your hand on the way back so you do not have to stop and search for your keys.
Some Gender Neutral Safety & Security Tips
Security begins at home in that your house needs to be a haven to relax in and not a target for home invasions. Landscaping that hides the doors and windows from plain view allows unscrupulous people to break into your house without the neighbors seeing them. Trim back or remove this type of landscaping features. Make your house visible to all around you. In addition, have adequate lighting for the exterior areas of your house and yards. Lighting such as this is another criminal deterrent.
Install a security system and post the signs advertising the fact you have it. Even though it may be warm weather outside, do not open ground level windows to let the breeze in unless you are in that room the entire time. Why give anyone this easy access to your house?
In addition, lock your doors and windows, whether you are home or off running errands. Front doors should contain a peephole, so you can see who knocks on your door before you open it. When there is an unidentifiable stranger at your door, do not open the door. If his purpose is legit, he will leave his contact information.
Only you can practice these and other tips on self defense for women. The entire goal of these tips is to keep your body from harm whenever you possibly can during both day and night. Live safely and wisely to outwit the criminals.
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