The importance of gun safes for firearm owners. Depending on which source you want to quote, there are over two hundred million guns floating around this great country of ours. Some of these weapons are in the hands of criminals; the rest are owned by law-abiding citizens trying to protect themselves against these criminals. Click Here for The Bestselling Home Security Products.
Strangely enough there is at least one thing that both groups of gun owners have in common. They do a very poor job of securing these weapons. If you own a firearm of any type, purchasing a gun safe should be high on your list of things to do. Here is some information on some benefits, and what to look for when shopping for a gun safe.
You need a gun safe not a cabinet
A safe that is made specifically for securing firearms should never be confused with a gun cabinet. These cabinets were not designed to secure your firearms. Although most have some sort of locking device, they are for displaying your collection not protecting them.
Many will feature glass panels in the front that allow owners to display their collection. They are mainly intended for owners of vintage or antique firearms that want to display them. Before continuing in the selection process, you need to determine if securing your weapons is more important, than being able to show them off.
Important part of firearm safety
One of the most important reasons for owning a gun safe is the safety of your family members, especially young children and teens. Every year, many young people are needlessly killed, and maimed, because they had unsupervised access to a firearm.
It is simply not good enough to tell your child that your weapons are off limits. Even attempting to hide them may not be enough to secure them. The only foolproof way to prevent firearm accidents, is by securing them in a gun safe.
Another good reason for securing your firearms is to prevent them from being stolen during a burglary. When a burglar enters a home, they will not be there too long. They want to grab whatever they can of value and get out. To a criminal, scoring a firearm during a burglary is like winning the lottery.
Considering the time, effort and tools required to crack a safe, your guns will be more than secure during these types of robberies.
What size gun safe do you need
The answer is not as simple as you may think. When considering the size of the safe required you have two variables. The first being the number of weapons you plan to secure. The second being the type. If you currently own a rifle, or a shotgun or may in the future, your main concern will be the vertical storage volume.
You need to measure the overall length of the longest rifle that you own, and add about six inches clearance to allow for easy access. This means that if you own a rifle with a thirty-inch barrel, and an overall length of fifty two inches, you should be looking for a safe that features at least fifty eight inches of vertical interior space.
Once you have determined that your firearm will fit in the safe you are considering you need to make sure that it can hold your entire collection. Most manufacturers will list how many guns a particular model of safe is designed to hold. There are two reasons why you should disregard these numbers and invest in a slightly larger model.
Safe manufacturers have been known to exaggerate slightly when it comes to the storage capacity of their safes. If they claim it will hold fifteen rifles, assume that it really holds twelve.
At some time in the future you will probably add more weapons to your collection. It is important that your safe is large enough to accommodate your growing collection.
Gun safes are an important first step for anyone concerned with firearm security. In addition to safeguarding your weapons against theft and misuse, they can also keep your valuables secure, and save lives.
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