USI Electric Smoke Detectors – There are various fire detectors in the market. However, using the USI electric smoke detectors, your family’s safety is guaranteed. This brand employs the latest technology to ensure that in case there is a fire, it is detected immediately. Primarily, the equipment is meant to detect the fire long before it spreads. This means that it detects smoke before flames ignite.
Family and home safety are essential. One way to protect your family’s safety is through protection from fire. Using the correct fire detection appliances, you not only protect your family but also your property from damage. A fire sensor equipment is able to detect fire or Carbon Monoxide the gas produced when things burn. This gas is extremely poisonous and can kill in minutes. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
The technology used by USI smoke detectors
The smoke detectors use Universal Smoke Sensing Technology. This is a smart technology that is more effective and reliable detecting smoke before flames ignite. Smoke detectors respond fast to slow down smoldering fires. This is up to 87% more quickly compared to the allowable limit. Using a patented microprocessor, the USI fire alarms differentiate between a real fire and nuisance alarms and provide accurate directions to ensure your family is kept safe.
Why you need USI technology for your home
Once a fire starts, it can double fast in size in approximately 30 seconds. Using smart microprocessor technology, there is a fast response that gives you the time needed to evacuate your family from the rooms.
Compared to other smoke alarms, the USI smoke detectors can be installed in every room. They are ideal for sleeping rooms because this is where the fire is likely to spread without knowing when sleeping.
Supported by University Research
The University of Maryland, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, did a test on Nuisance alarm resistance using the USI technology. The Study confirmed that smoke detectors using smart technology have greater resistance to nuisance alarms.
The results also showed that USI alarms have immunity to photoelectric smoking alarms for kitchen scenarios due to smart technology. The same is true for nuisance sources close to the bathrooms compared to photoelectric smoke alarms. As opposed to smoke alarms that use ionization sensors, the USI alarms are resistant to nuisance alarms.
Using USI smart technology to prevent nuisance alarms
Most homeowners experience the smoke alarm shriek while coming out of the shower or after cooking a meal. This may happen when there is no hazard presented. Naturally, you will want to silence the alarm. Others may want to pull down the smoke detector and disable the sound.
Nuisance alarms are overwhelming and, at times, dangerous. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), nuisance alarms can be chaotic. It can cause panic and stress. Also, disabling the alarm to curb the noise may be dangerous in case a real fire transpires in the future.
To protect your home and keep it safe from no accidental shrieks caused by smoke alarms, consider USI smart technology. The USI electric smoke detectors help prevent these unintentional noises.
Types of USI electric detectors
Smoke alarms – These alarms employ smart technology to notify you if smoke emanates from any point in your home. This helps keep your family safe through evacuation to prevent suffocation. It’s advisable to do this before calling the fire department or putting out the fire using an extinguisher.
Carbon monoxide detectors – These detectors assist you to distinguish if there is any carbon monoxide in your home. As mentioned at the beginning of this text, Carbon monoxide is a dangerous and poisonous gas that could lead to suffocation and even death. Using the USI carbon monoxide detectors, your family is safe and protected. Once the gas is detected, call the fire department to establish where the gas is coming from.
Ten-year power battery
When you use the USI electric smoke detectors, it gives you freedom. You can set and forget about it. With the ten-year power battery life, you don’t need to replace it for a decade. This is the perfect solution for your family’s safety all year round. The benefits of the USI fire detector batteries include the following:
• A Lithium free battery with ten years’ worth of power.
• The smart alarm technology is patented.
• It contains a quick find alarm Origination
• There are several types of alarms available
• Alkaline batteries that are eco-friendly and safe
• Maintenance-free power battery
• Smart alarm technology
• Lockout features preventing deactivation of alarm
• A deactivation key that switches the battery off and ready for disposal after ten years
With these capabilities in a smoke detector system, your home is protected from smoke and fires. You’ll have to recheck the system after ten years.
Why choose Universal Security Instruments
USI has been around for five decades since 1969. The company has a heritage of provision of safety products for your home and family safety. With its state-of-the-art facilities in manufacturing, USI increasingly produces revolutionary products and technologies. The mission and vision of the company are to provide protection for families and homes. With the technology used to prevent smoldering fires 87% faster, you have the best fire and smoke detector.
The technology also eliminates nuisance alarms that are the leading cause of alarm deactivation in homes.
Customer satisfaction is USI’s number one priority. This can be proven by their convenient features included in the alarms, including other safety products. The firm provides easy installation of their products, which don’t damage your home’s design. They also offer updated support documentation. The firm’s customer support is trained and experienced, guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
When you invest in your home, you want to keep your family and property safe. Smart technology is the latest way to protect your home. To make this a reality, USI products will provide you the peace of mind that you need while at home and away. Call us today and get a quote on our products based on your preferred equipment. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.