Why You Should Get Fire Extinguisher Training? In the event of a fire, most people are uncertain as to the first course of action. Completing a fire extinguisher training course could help to alleviate some of the confusion. It could be as simple as reviewing a manual or watching a training video on the different types of fires. By learning about fire extinguishers’ roles and how to use them, people can prevent a dangerous situation from worsening.
Getting training on how to use the fire extinguisher can help save your life and the life of your family members. It can also help to protect your valuable property from being destroyed. Either way, it’s always best to be prepared with proper training. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Some people are unaware of the various forms of fires. Many may also not realize that there are different kinds of fire extinguishers. There are precisely five different types that you need to know. They are for extinguishing particular types of fires.
1. The first type is “A.” This particular fire extinguisher is often used to put out fires within the home. It extinguishes fires that started with garments, wood products, and paper products. The container holds water for this type of fire. It’s important to point out that you should not use a water extinguisher to try and put out other kinds of fires. It could make the fire worse.
2. The second type is “B.” This fire extinguisher is excellent for fighting fires involving flammable liquids such as grease and other oils. The container for this type of fire holds foam. Foam removes the oxygen element, which fuels the fire. It is acceptable for you to use a foam extinguisher with Type A fires as well.
3. The third type is “C.” This extinguisher is used for fires that start with electrical equipment such as those found in your kitchen. For example, toaster, microwave oven, and dishwasher. The contents of this container are carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide also takes out the oxygen; however, you can only use the carbon dioxide extinguisher with type C and B fires.
4. The fourth type is “D.” This type is used to put out fires that start with flammable metals. This container has dry powder, which works specifically on metals only. Its purpose and function are to separate fuel and oxygen from the fire.
5. The fifth type is “K.” This is essential for oils from the kitchen. Oils like vegetable or animal cooking oils. This container uses a wet chemical to separate the oxygen and the fuel, which eliminates the fire.
Take note that you can use fire extinguishers for more than one type of fire. There are also fire extinguishers that you should never use on some fires. It could cause flames to increase. When you purchase your extinguisher, be sure to look for each fire extinguisher’s labeling to know which is the right one to choose for your home or office.
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Fire officials have come up with the term PASS as an acronym to remember how to use the fire extinguisher:
- Pull the attached pin, and with the nozzle pointing away, release the locking on the fire extinguisher.
- Aim low while pointing the extinguisher to the flames’ base.
- Squeeze the trigger mechanism.
- Sweep from side-to-side with the nozzle.
Many people get the fire extinguisher and put it down somewhere in the home, hoping not to use it. However, when they don’t know is that these things must be maintained or else, they will not function the way you want when you need them to do so. Officials recommend that it’s looked at each year to make sure that everything is in working order.
Deciding When to Use the Fire Extinguisher or Leave
Every home should have a means of evacuating the residence if a fire breaks out. First and foremost, before tackling a fire, it’s best to get everyone out of the home. Be sure you are using the correct fire extinguisher before deciding to eliminate the fire. Also, don’t forget to use the PASS method to help eliminate the fire. It’s essential to have someone with a phone who can contact the fire department if the fire is not manageable with the fire extinguisher. If the fire is not completely out and you’ve emptied the extinguisher, it’s best to leave and make sure you’ve called the fire department.
Fire Extinguisher Training Options
1.The FED Learning Center offers valuable courses to prepare you for fires of different types.
2. The National Fire Fighter Corp. puts out “The Homeowner’s Guide to Fire Extinguishers [Infographic].”
3. Fire Extinguisher Use Training – Online Course from J.J. Keller Training on Demand
4. National Fire Protection Association. “Fire Extinguishers.”
5. OSHA Fire Extinguisher Training Video.
6. If none of these courses work for you, then contact your local fire department. They will have the training you need to put your family’s safety as a priority.
Like anything else in life, to be prepared correctly, there has to be training. There are manuals and videos explicitly designed to help users select the right fire extinguisher for any scenario. It is often the difference between life and death to have a fire extinguisher at home or in an office. It could also eliminate the loss of valuables that you’ve cherished over a lifetime. A fire extinguisher is essential, so you should learn about which one is the right or correct one to use on which fire.
That’s why it’s vital to watch a video or read a manual to get accurate information. Having a fire extinguisher is essential, but you should also have smoke alarms around the home. It’s always beneficial to have a safe route out of the house in a fire. Therefore, find the right training for you. It could save your life or a family member’s life. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.