Fire Extinguisher Colours – Some people are surprised to learn that fire extinguishers come in different colors. This is because different types of fires need different substances to put them out. For example, water is never used to put out an electrical fire. Different colored fire extinguishers give the user a quick and easy way to tell which chemical to use on a certain type of fire.
The different colors are found on the handles, on the header label at the top of the extinguisher canister and sometimes at the base of the canister. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
This fire extinguisher uses foam to put out fires. It can be used on wood, textile and paper fires, which are considered class A solid combustible fires. Foam is also used for flammable liquid fires. These are fires fueled by paint, solvents and other petrochemicals. Foam smothers the fires and stops them from reigniting. The foam contains water and shouldn’t be used around electrical equipment.
A fire extinguisher with a black handle and label uses carbon dioxide. This type of fire extinguisher is used to put out electrical fires by starving them of the oxygen they need to burn. Since carbon dioxide is nontoxic, it can put out these fires without damaging the wiring or machinery around them. Carbon dioxide extinguishers can also be used to put out class B fires, which are fueled by flammable liquids. Carbon dioxide shouldn’t be used in a confined space because it replaces the oxygen in the air. It must not come into contact with skin, which it freezes.
If a fire extinguisher canister has a blue handle or label, it uses powder. Powder puts out A, B and C class fires. These are fires fueled by wood, paper, flammable liquids, gas and electricity. Because they’re so versatile, powder fire extinguishers are used in areas that are at risk for different types of fires. They are also used as part of a car’s safety kit.
A fire extinguisher canister with a red label uses water or water mist. Water easily puts out class A fires by cooling them down and stopping them from reigniting. They’re also environmentally friendly. Fire extinguishers that use water mist are even more versatile, for they can put out Class A and F fires. Class F fires are those that happen when cooking oil or deep fat ignites. Water mist can also be used on fires caused by faulty electrical equipment, but a stream of water can’t be.
These fire extinguishers use a wet chemical and are for Class F and Class A fires. They actually change the chemistry of the burning oil or fat and render them noncombustible.
Fire extinguishers should be kept in an area where they are readily accessible but well away from sources of heat such as stoves or fireplaces. They should be checked once a month or so to make sure that they’re pressurized. If the pressure is low, the owner can take the fire extinguisher to their local fire department to have it re-pressurized, or simply replace it. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.