Changing Batteries In A Smoke Alarm – Fires at home are a great danger and could be easily prevented in most cases. Most accidents occur in households that have either no smoke alarm or do not have a working smoke alarm.
Maintaining the smoke alarms correctly will greatly reduce the chances of being a victim in a house fire. Read more about how to safeguard your life, family, and property with smoke alarms. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
Be sure to check the size of the battery
If the new batteries are inserted improperly or the wrong type is used, the smoke-detector will not operate. Always ensure you use the correct battery type and correctly install the batteries to ensure that the detector is operating. Lithium battery detectors should last ten years. In general, the battery can not be replaced, but the whole detector can be replaced after ten years of life.
The smoke detector must be taken down from the ceiling
If the smoke detector is hardwired into the power supply of your home, you must first turn off the power in the fuse box. The way you detach your smoke alarm from its mounting depends on the type it is.
Remove the body or cover of the detector
Slightly rotate or unscrew the detector body from its base with a slight twist. There are three key elements inside: a sensing chamber, a loud horn as well as a battery.
Through rotating or moving the alarm away from placement, most smoke detectors are disabled. Many detectors won’t require the whole detector to be removed. Such models allow you to remove only the battery component.
Swap/Replace replace the batteries
Replace battery. Take out the old batteries. Most smoke detectors use the 9-volt battery, replace a brand new 9-volt lithium battery. Make sure the male and female terminals are correctly directed and attach well to the platform.
Know where smoke detectors are installed in your home
Smoke detectors may be mounted in your house, but they may not be located in ideal places. Installing the smoke detectors effectively enhances their efficiency so that they can warn you sooner when a fire happens.
The location of the cover varies between models and some can be secured with screws or similar types of fastenings. Make sure that you properly install the fresh batteries. Confirm that the negative and positive connections suit the smoke alarm labels and put the battery cover back on.
Also, be sure to check the smoke detector guide if you have trouble identifying the battery or replacing them. If you happen to not own a physical copy of the manual, check the manufacturer’s site and you may be able to locate it on the internet.
Test the alarm after reinstalling
If the alarm does not activate during the battery test, you will have to check it again. Do not reinstall the smoke detector until you complete this battery check to prove it is operating properly. See if the battery is properly installed.
If the batteries have been properly installed and the test failed, replace the batteries and try new ones once more. If there are no new batteries that are working, the detector might need to be replaced.