Prevention is key when it comes to protecting life and property against the dangers of fire. Fires generally occur without warning, and many families are not prepared to react when an emergency arises. While basic essentials such as fire extinguishers and smoke alarms should be in every home, there are additional steps that all of us can take in order to be ready for the unthinkable. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
Most home fires begin in the kitchen, laundry room or fireplace. Many are completely avoidable. Ensuring that areas and appliances are clean and well maintained will help to prevent overheating and short circuits. Fireplaces should be properly inspected and cleaned, and it is important to ensure that burning embers are not allowed fly out and come into contact with combustible surfaces.
Faulty or poorly maintained electrical wiring can lead to fires that spread rapidly and without warning. While most newer homes and buildings are constructed with adequate prevention techniques, older buildings are especially at risk. Regular inspection and proper maintenance can prevent costly and often deadly fires from starting.
Additionally, care should be given to ensure that electrical outlets are not overloaded or allowed to collect dust. Many fires occur during the holiday season when scores of lights are plugged into outlets that are already stuffed with appliances and electronic devices.
Simple Steps To Protect Life And Property
Ensuring these and other preventative measures are being used can greatly reduce the occurrence of fires from beginning in the first place. However, no amount of prevention will completely eliminate the risk of a fire starting. Basic tools and a response strategy can minimize damage, injury and the loss of life that far too many fires cause each and every year.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers contain chemicals that are designed to suppress and starve a fire of oxygen. However, different extinguishers on the market are designed to quench different types of fires. Extinguishers designed to tackle chemical fires will not work properly on those brought upon by grease or wood.
Fire extinguishers also need to be inspected on a regular basis to ensure they are working properly. Finally, it is important to become familiar with how to properly operate the device so that it can be used immediately if the need arises.
Smoke Alarms
There are different types of alarms that range from stand-alone units to a system that is directly connected to an emergency dispatch center.
All smoke alarms should be placed in every room, and testing them on a regular basis is critically important. Batteries should be replaced every few months, and the alarm should be sounded from time to time to ensure it is working properly.
A smoke alarm in every room will ensure that a fire will be detected soon enough to warn occupants before it spreads. This allows time to take action before encountering a life or death situation.
The Importance Of Having An Escape Plan
Developing and rehearsing an escape plan will help to reduce confusion during an emergency. Most buildings are required to have more than one entrance and exit, and choosing the fastest and safest exit route can save lives. Escape routes should be carefully planned, simple to follow and free from obstacles at all times.
Fires occur without warning, and they can turn into life threatening emergencies in a matter of seconds. Prevention and preparation are key to ensuring that appropriate action is taken if disaster strikes. Whether purchasing a simple fire extinguisher or smoke alarm at the store or developing an extensive system that is monitored by professionals, everyone should be prepared at all times. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
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