Fire Safety For Kids – One of the scariest thoughts is having a house fire, especially if you have children. When this type of disaster strikes, kids are at high risk for harm. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, children are most likely to suffer from fire injuries. Approximately 40 percent of injuries occur to kids who are under the age of five.
House fires spread quickly, which means that there is little time available to escape. In 2017, 268 children were killed in house fires. It is essential to have a solid fire plan in place and to teach your children a few things about the dangers of fires so that tragedies can be avoided. Here are some ways that you can protect your kids. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
Preventing Your Children from Starting Fires

The best way to safeguard your family from a house fire is to teach you kids ways to prevent accidents that may start one. There are many different things that you can do to keep harm away from your home. It is your responsibility to do everything possible to keep your children out of harms way and away from situations where danger lurks.
Safely Store Cigarettes Lighters
Children often mimic the behavior of their parents. When your children watch you light cigarettes or other things, they want to do the same things. It is essential to keep your matches, lighters, and other flammable devices in a safe storage area. This will keep your kids from gaining access. Also, it is imperative to use devices with child-resistant features. When kids don’t have access to these things, it lowers the risks of house fires.
Also, it is essential to talk to your children and to explain that these items aren’t toys. You can explain that bad things happen when they are not used correctly. Emphasize the importance of them telling an adult if any of these items are laying around as well.
Use Flameless Candles
Obviously, having real candles lit around your home can be a disaster, especially if you have young children. It takes one accident to cause a devastating house fire. It is much smarter to use flameless candles. These items appear like real candles but use light bulbs to create the appearance of flames. There is no fire involved. This takes all of the danger out of creating a relaxing atmosphere with candles. Even if a flameless candle is knocked over, nothing bad happens.
Install Smoke Detectors
Some of the best safety equipment that you can have in your home are smoke detectors. Discuss these items with your kids. Make sure that they understand that when an alarm strikes, they must get out of the house right away. Explain how the detectors work and what sound to expect. Besides having them installed, you must change the batteries each year. A tip is to change them each time that you turn your clocks ahead for daylight savings time. Radiators and Stoves. Appliances like stoves are responsible for a majority of house fires.
Heating units can be fire hazards
It is important to teach your children to steer clear of these items. Teach them that nothing should ever be placed on top of space heaters or radiators and that ovens are meant for adults only. It is wise to keep your home clear of clutter. Sometimes, things like blankets, furniture, and similar items come too close to heating units, which can lead to fires. It is important to teach your children to keep their rooms clean and uncluttered.
Pay Attention to Your Garage
It is common for a garage to house various outdoor toys, bikes, and other items that kids use to play. If you have a portable heater in this part of your house, it is smart to speak with your children about potential fire hazards. Explain that children should use caution in this space.
They should never place anything near unprotected heating units. It is wise to keep all heating devices, blow torches, and other flammable equipment out of reach from children. Any loose wires should be repaired in this area as well. If children begin touching these wires, they may become shocked or cause a fire to spark.
Keep Fire Extinguishers Handy
Any room in your home that has a high potential for fire should contain a fire extinguisher. This means that a kitchen and family room are two common places to store these devices. Having tools to stop fires will prevent accidents from getting out of control.
Preparing Your Children for a Fire
House fires are scary, especially for kids. However, it is essential to teach them how to act in the worst scenarios. There are a number of ways that you can prepare your children for a house fire. Fire safety education is the most effective way to protect kids from harm. When children understand fire hazards, there are lower chances that they will accidentally start fires. Also, teaching your children how to react during fire emergencies can help them to save themselves and to remain calm. It may be the difference between life and death. Here are some ways to prepare your kids.
Create an Escape Plan
It is always best to be prepared so that a fire does not sneak up on the family. Discuss with your children the best way to exit your house in times of emergency. Your children should know the quickest way out and determine two means of escape from each room in the house. Think about using doors and windows.
Also, set a meeting space outside of your home so that everyone can find each other in a particular spot. For example, tell them to run to your mailbox at the end of your driveway until the entire family is out of the house and safe. Emphasize the importance of staying outside and never returning back into the burning house to look for pets or any other items. Make sure that they know not to hide in this time of emergency.
Practice your escape plan at lest two times a year and at various times of day. Practice with Windows and Ladders. It is important to examine the windows of your home and to make sure that they are easy to open. If they tend to stick, it is wise to solve the problem so that it is not difficult to get out when necessary. Also, escape ladders should be accessible for rooms on the second floor. Practice throwing them over the window sills and climbing down to safety.
Teach How to Check for Heat
Children don’t understand how to react in times of fire. Their instincts tell them to run, but it is vital to teach them the correct way to act. Explain to your child that it is smart to feel the door of the room that he or she is in before opening it. If it is hot to the touch, it is best to find another way out. Also, it is important to grab a piece of cloth, including a towel or a piece of clothing, to keep over his or her mouth. This will keep harmful smoke from entering his or her lungs.
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Since hot air rises, it is best to stay low when escaping a house fire. Teach your kids the stop, drop, and roll technique. This will help to keep everyone safe.
Call for Help
Your child should know to call 911 in times of emergency. However, it is best to instruct him or her to do it after they are safely outside. It may be a good idea to role play and to pretend to be the dispatcher so that your child learns what to expect and how to respond. Make sure that your child knows his or her address. Tell your child to speak slowly and to remain calm while on the phone. It may be necessary to stay on the line with the operator as well.
Prepare Your Child for Firemen
If you have young children, they may be scared when the firemen arrive. Firemen must wear bulky gear and masks for their protection. However, this may make the men appear like monsters. Explain that firemen are good people who help to save lives. On your computer, show them pictures of firemen in their full gear so that your kids are prepared. Possibly, you can visit your local fire station and meet with the men who help your community.
When you teach your children about fire safety, it can save their lives. When children are informed, they can stay calm and do the right things when fires occur. Fire prevention tips are essential as well. Educating your children can drastically decrease the likelihood of experiencing a fire at home. Safety and prevention starts with parents.
When you take the time to help your kids comprehend the dangers that exist and to teach them how to react, it will keep everyone protected. It is never too early to start speaking with your children and making a difference that could save lives. Click here for the Best-Selling Fire Safety Products.
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