Once you know the difference between an emergency radio and a radio you’ll understand the method by which the difference can be critical to the security of your family. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has advocated an emergency preparedness kit including significant items that families should have in the function of an urgent situation. Second on the list and first is water and food, clearly. FEMA’s definition of emergency radios is a “battery powered or hand crank radio,” also as, “an NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.” Fortunately, radios are actually accessible with all the crucial crisis features on one receiver. Click Here for The Bestselling Home Security Products.
Using recommendations and FEMA’s definition, let’s examine what kind of crises you might be subject to and just the type of radio you should have in order to be safe. Subsequently you need a radio that will provide instant information as soon as the National Weather Service broadcasts a warning if you live in an area where you can experience abrupt risks with the central United States known as tornado alley. You may need a radio that provides S.A.M.E. (Specific Area Message Encoding) technology which can be programmed to receive emergency weather programs in your particular region, as well as, NOAA weather information with a Weather Alert attribute. Both of these features on a radio send an alarm through the radio, will automatically turn on the radio, and supply you with important information you need to have instantaneously.
Coastal Communities also provide an essential need for the ideal sort of crisis radio. Hurricanes are tracked for quite a few days before they arrive on land and families typically have time leave or to prepare a location in the path of the storm. Intense storms and thunderstorms, although they can be dangerous to life and property, do not equal the urgency of a tornado. However, if you should be camping with family or friends you may believe that having radio is important so you’re able to be notified of following dangers in your distant location, flash flooding, or severe weather.
Hurricanes and twisters are two of the most serious of weather emergencies, but these usually are not the only things you may need to prepare for. Crisis guides suggest that we should prepare yourself to endure for a minimum of three days following an emergency on our own. So we must, at the very least, have the ability of receiving weather and local news in those times. Along with weather emergencies we must prepare for a local power outage.
Power outages can be brought on by a thunderstorm that went through, the flooding that follows, or a minor earthquake that has managed to knock out electricity, but may have interrupted emergency services. These are all occasions that are common. With electricity out, the radio’s power source becomes crucial. Many radios have numerous sources of electricity including not only replaceable batteries and AC adaptors, for recharging batteries and even solar panels but hand cranks. Some radios go further and have the capability of powering other items, such as for example your cell phone.
So what type of radio do you want for survival in an emergency? Understanding what the potential crises are in your region will enable you to find a radio equipped with the required characteristics needed to insure the safety and survival of your family. Have you been prepared? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4986367