My purchase of the Master Lock 265DCCSEN Door Security Bar, was made in part to appease my ever worrying, and over-protective mother. Apparently, a few weeks ago she happened upon a story of a home invasion featuring one of the 8 million people whom I share a city with. Obviously, the fact that this tragedy occurred within 10 miles of where I live, means that I am destined to suffer the same fate, unless I immediately relocate to be somewhere safer, preferably within walking distance of her home. Click Here for The Bestselling Home Security Products.
I will be the first to admit that my apartment is not in the best of areas, it is what my real estate agent euphemistically described to me as being an up-and-coming neighborhood. In broker speak, this means that it may be crappy right now, but if you can survive here for a few years, it is going to be really nice. Hopefully, my new purchase will help keep me alive long enough to see this happen.
If you have ever seen a chair braced against a door in order to prevent it from being opened, then you know everything you need to know as far as how this door brace works, and how to install it properly. The 265DCCSEN, is simply an adjustable metal rod that is designed with one end that fits under the door handle, and the other for making contact with the floor. It works by taking the force an intruder applies to the door and transferring it downwards. It can also be used to secure sliding patio doors, which would be great if I had one.
Designed to protect you, not your property
If you are considering purchasing this door brace, in order to protect your belongings, you may be better off investing in one of the many inexpensive self monitored alarm systems currently on the market, and a high-security lock-set. This device was designed to prevent an intruder from opening your door and quietly slipping into your home, and it does this well. The only problem is that someone needs to be inside your home in order to engage it, for it to protect you. Unless you plan to teach your cat how to use it while you are at work, it is totally useless when you are not there.
This shortcoming does not really bother me because my real concern is not having my stuff stolen, but rather having an intruder break into my apartment and catch me off guard. I am not saying that being burglarized does not concern me, but the reality is that there is nothing i own that cannot be replaced by my renter’s insurance, and my personal safety is much more important than my belongings.
Able to withstand an assault from a really determined accountant
I recently subjected my brand-new state of the art door brace to a round of scientific testing, that consisted mainly of my buddy giving it his absolute worst, for as long as he could, or until one of my neighbors eventually called the cops. I can now say with complete confidence that this product can withstand an intense three-minute assault from a 170 pound junior accountant.
Even though it was able to keep out my test partner, I still don’t know how it would do against a drug-addicted nut job that was intent on getting into my place. I do know that it will take way more than a couple kicks and there is absolutely no way that they will be able to pull it off without alerting me and half the people inside the building.
No such thing as an unbeatable security
The reality is that there is no such thing as a security product that cannot be beaten, given enough time, and the right tools. Just about every device for sale right now is really only designed to delay or deter an intruder, how long it is capable of doing this, determines its worth.
With that said I feel that the Master Lock 265DCCSEN door brace, is more than capable of keeping the vast majority of potential burglars, out of my home, at least temporarily. And if by chance they are willing to put in the effort necessary to break down my door, I can guarantee they will find me waiting with can of pepper spray in hand, and police on the other end of the phone.
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