If you’d like to protect yourself adequately but are worried about safety issues concerning many types of weapons, you should consider non-lethal self-defense products. These types of products are effective alternatives to weapons that have the potential of seriously injuring or killing others. While the use of several popular non-lethal weapons is restricted in some states, there are plenty of completely legal options out there. If you’ve never used or purchased a non-lethal self-defense product before, you may be at a loss about how to proceed. The following information provides a basic overview of two of today’s most popular options: pepper spray and stun guns. Click Here for The Bestselling Home Security Products.
Benefits of Non-Lethal Weapons

People choose to carry non-lethal weapons or keep them in their homes for a number of reasons. The most common one involves the safety and well-being of others. If someone is trying to do you harm, of course, your top priority is going to be keeping yourself safe. While not in use, however, weapons like guns can pose serious risks to others. Parents are especially concerned about keeping certain weapons in the home. The right non-lethal weapon will be every bit as effective as a lethal weapon, but it won’t pose the risk of serious bodily injury or death.
Choosing the Right Non-Lethal Weapon
When it comes to non-lethal weapons, there is a dizzying array of options. The vast majority of products that are on the market today are expressly designed for use by law enforcement officials. With that being said, however, there are two exceptionally popular non-lethal weapons for use by civilians: stun guns and pepper spray. Out of all of the options that are out there today, these two have earned reputations for getting the job done with a minimal amount of risk or trouble. How can you tell which option is right for you? The following information should help.
Pepper Spray
Out of all of the non-lethal weapons that are available today, pepper spray is probably the most well-known and popular of them all. It contains oleoresin capsicum, so it is often referred to as OC gas or capsicum spray. Although people use the term “mace” interchangeably with the term “pepper spray,” mace refers to the Mace brand. Mace is the most recognizable brand, but there are plenty of generic options as well.
Pepper spray is a lachrymatory agent, which means that it irritates the eyes and cases pain, tears and temporary blindness. Its primary active ingredient, capsaicin, is derived from capsicum. Capsicum is found in plants like chili peppers. Capsaicin is extracted from plants like chili peppers with special solvents and evaporated. Before being put into a canister, the evaporated solvent is treated with an emulsifier that suspends the OC in liquid. From there, the contents are pressurized. Pepper spray canisters work just like other aerosol cans. When the button is pressed, the pressurized contents stream out rapidly.
How it Works – The nice thing about pepper spray is that all you have to do is press the button and aim the canister in the appropriate direction. The contents of the spray do the rest of the work for you. Capsaicin is highly irritable to the sensitive tissues of the eyes. The primary thing that needs to be kept in mind, then, is that the canister must be aimed at a person’s face in order for it to be as effective as possible. Once the spray makes contact with the skin, there is nothing the recipient can do. Attempting to rub away the spray generally makes things worse.
Effectiveness – Pepper spray is highly effective at immobilizing people. Its effects are immediate. As soon as the pepper spray hits a person’s face, the eyes immediately experience inflammatory effects. As a result, a person’s eyes usually swell shut, which renders them temporarily blind. Coughing, runny noses and difficulty breathing often ensue as well. People who have been sprayed with pepper spray say that it feels as if their eyes are bubbling over or are on fire. The duration of these effects depends on the strength of the pepper spray that is used. In general, however, these effects typically last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.
Legality – As far as legality goes, laws vary from one state to the next. Some states have limits on the concentration of capsaicin that is permitted in pepper sprays that are used by civilians. In Massachusetts, you can only purchase mace or pepper spray from licensed firearms dealers. In New Jersey, felons are not permitted to purchase pepper spray, so background checks are performed prior to purchase. In most states, you have to be over the age of 18 to buy pepper spray. It is important to check the laws of your state before carrying pepper spray or keeping it in the home.
Stun Guns
Stun guns are often featured on television shows like “COPS,” but they can be purchased and used by civilians as well. While many people use the terms “stun gun” and “Taser” interchangeably, the fact is that the term stun gun is a generic one while “Taser” refers to conducive energy devices that are manufactured by Taser International. When most people think of stun guns, they are actually thinking of Taser electroshock weapons. Tasers shoot electrodes that are attached by long, thin, flexible wires. Stun guns in general come in many different forms.
How They Work – For the purposes of this article, the focus will be on Tasers. Unlike electric shock prods, which are descendants of cattle prods, there is no need to make direct contact with a person in order to use a Taser weapon on them. The Taser should be aimed at the intended target and the trigger should be pressed. At that point, the projectile, which is actually an electrode, becomes embedded in the target’s skin. A temporary, high-voltage electrical discharge is then emitted by the electrode. Its low current is specifically designed to keep it non-lethal, and modern stun guns automatically stop emitting charges after five seconds.
Effectiveness – The high-voltage electrical charge that is emitted by a Taser stun gun immediately immobilizes most recipients. The charge overrides the body’s muscle-triggering mechanisms. Although the recipient feels pain, it is typically temporary. The charge also temporarily paralyzes the individual while the current is being applied so that they are no longer a threat. In most cases, the charge only needs to be applied for about half a second. If the trigger is held down, the charge will continue to be applied for up to five seconds. Tasers and stun guns are most effective when they are directed at the upper hip, the upper shoulder or below the ribs.
Legality – Tasers and stun guns are legal to own in most states. In Indiana, you must have a handgun license in order to use and carry a stun gun. In Illinois, you need to have a valid FOID or Firearm Owners Identification card in order to carry and use one. Similarly, Wisconsin residents need to have valid CCW permits in order to use stun guns. In Connecticut, you are allowed to keep a stun gun in the home, but you are not allowed to carry one. Restrictions also apply in Hawaii.
The right non-lethal weapon can dramatically enhance your safety and make it easier to engage in effective self-defense. To make the right choice, you should do plenty of research about the available options. Depending on the laws of your state, you may not have a whole lot of options. After purchasing a non-lethal self-defense product, make sure that you learn how to use it properly. It is well worth it to take a course that provides instruction about using these types of weapons effectively. You are sure to feel much safer when you have a non-lethal self-defense product on hand.
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